Much Thanks to author
Appreciate your work…
open index.php with notepad++
change line 51
—————FROM —————
define(‘JSM_DEBUG’, false);
——— TO —————–
define(‘JSM_DEBUG’, true);
change line 25
—————FROM —————
define(‘JSM_DEMO’, false);
——— TO —————–
define(‘JSM_DEMO’, ‘Cracked’);
Now SAVE the file index.php
Now open setup.php with notepad++
comment line 453
// $content .= ‘}’;
comment line 452
// $content .= ‘alert(“Please enter your email and purchase code correctly!”);’;
comment line 451
// $content .= ‘}else{‘;
comment line 438
// $content .= ‘if((purchase_code.length == 36) && (user_email.length !== 0)){‘;
change line 326
—————FROM —————
——— TO —————–
comment line 276 and add $class_code = “”;
—————FROM —————
$class_code = base64_decode(strrev(str_rot13($_POST[‘activation_code’])));
——— TO —————–
//$class_code = base64_decode(strrev(str_rot13($_POST[‘activation_code’])));
$class_code = “”;
paste these lines before line 274
—————FROM —————
file_put_contents(‘config.php’, $php_config);
——— TO —————–
$php_config .= ” . “// Do Not Delete Below Part” . “\r\n”;
$php_config .= ‘$version = file_get_contents(JSM_PATH . “/version.txt”);’ . “\r\n”;
$php_config .= ‘define(“JSM_CORE_VERSION”, $version);’ . “\r\n”;
$php_config .= ” . “class jsmIonic{ }”. “\r\n”;
file_put_contents(‘config.php’, $php_config);
Now SAVE the file
and open your browser
on activation page
type anything anf fill all inputs
then Register
Thank Me Later
This is for Educational Purpose Only.
I am Not responsible for any misuse…
2024-11-27 10:17:14